Tool Thursday

Every Thursday I like to post a tool that I think is either helpful, quirky, or intriguing.

Today I am posting what I feel like has been one of the most helpful tools to me when I need to focus and just complete a task or a project.

A pomodoro timer. (no affiliate, but the app I regularly use)

The pomodoro technique is pretty old now, but essentially you work in short focused segments with a quick payoff of a break after the segment is done.

The traditional breakdown of time is 25 minutes of focused work and a 5 minute break.

At first, about 12 years ago, I was shocked at how much work I could get done in 25 minutes of time. Today I try to stretch my work segments into 45 minutes and 10 minute breaks. Take this for a spin today and see what a focused block of work looks like for you.

J.C. Thompson

JC is a leader with 15 years of experience in Full Time Ministry. Regarded as an expert in Family Ministry and Preteen Ministry, he loves coaching leaders that might not have the Senior Pastor seat.

JC is happily married to his wife Kristen and has two incredible boys.

Weekend Reading 12.3.22


Being a leader is tough