Leader in Ministry

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This site has been on my heart and mind for several years. I have just completed a long and arduous process at my church and coming out of that season, I am looking to give back. To be transparent, I was afraid and tired.

Afraid of committing to something so big, with so little to offer. What does a 30 something have to offer seasoned veterans in ministry? What is there to share that someone hasn’t already experienced? Will anyone read it, share it, be helped by this site?

In addition, you feel this weight as a leader who is daily, serving a local church. The burden is light, but it is also difficult. So I’m writing again to help me process through the things that I wish I could share with others who are in the midst of struggling to find the help that they need. To provide those in church leadership with a listening ear when things are tough. To invest in the future leaders of the church as a fellow shepherd, leader, and pastor.

So if this is you, reach out to me. If you are just wanting to connect, send me a DM on Twitter: @jcisonline and let me know who you are!